Wiefelsteder Kirchweg



10.13 km long
round trip
Difficulty: medium
condition: easy
Hiking trail
  • 02:26 h
  • 10.13 km
  • 4 m
  • 4 m
  • 11 m
  • 14 m
  • 3 m
  • Start: Refuge on Mansholter Strasse
  • Destination: Refuge on Mansholter Strasse
This idyllic hiking trail mostly follows the course of the old church path through the Mansholter Holz.

Those who long for peace and nature should use this hiking trail into the “Mansholter Büsche”. The forest area covers 330 hectares and is a historically old oak and hornbeam forest of outstanding importance for nature conservation. The Geest carries valuable forest communities. The location is on nutrient-rich, water-retaining "Lauenburg clay". The natural diversity is based on blown sands as well as moor and floodplain formation, which lead to mosaic-like site conditions. The forest (220 hectares) is managed in a natural and sustainable manner, striving for biodiversity, diversity of age and gradation The aim of this management is an ecologically stable forest.

Good to know

Best to visit

Depends on weather


Sturdy shoes are recommended.

Author´s Tip / Recommendation of the author

It is worth taking a detour to the nearby rhododendron park of the Bruns tree nursery in Gristede.


Getting there

Wiefelsteder Kirchweg