Listening station Heinrich Kunst


The local history museum can be found in the center of the municipality of Wiefelstede, on the main street of the old church village in Lower Saxony's Ammerland.
Hören Sie sich unter 04488 5204040 oder hier die Geschichte zum bekannten Volksschauspieler Heinrich Kunst an. Die Nummer der Hörstation lautet 23.

Good to know

More information

Heinrich Kunst founded the Low German theater group Ofenerdiek in the 1920s and in 1931 became a member of the Low German stage at the Oldenburg State Theater.

Since he was seen and heard on various stages, in films and on the radio, Heinrich became known nationwide.

He was a holder of the Federal Cross of Merit on ribbon and an honorary citizen of the municipality of Wiefelstede.
After his death, he bequeathed his farm, where he spent his entire life, to the community of Wiefelstede. The Heinrich Kunst e. V. restored the yard, which today serves as a meeting place and meeting place.

Contact person

Tourist-Information Wiefelstede
Kirchstraße 1
26215 Wiefelstede


Getting there

Sandweg 22
26215 Wiefelstede